Another fantastic milestone for Good Soil Ministries was recently achieved in Thailand. During the first week of July, the first full training of the Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship seminar taught completely in Thai was conducted, led by ABWE country leader Todd Janes and our Good Soil representative Danil Tereshchenkov. Twenty-two Thai pastors and one Laotian pastor gathered in Pattaya and not only participated in the training but were also certified to become trainers themselves throughout the country.

The pastors were excited and very engaged throughout the three days they spent together and commented several times on the great need they saw for this training in Thailand. Many were already making plans to lead the training at their churches to equip their congregations. One of the pastors used the resources he received for an evangelism outreach later in July and joyfully reported back that three people had made faith responses to the gospel.

Another seminar is planned in Thailand for November, and a Laotian pastor would like to bring 15 fellow pastors from his country sometime early next year to be equipped in using The Story of Hope. God is doing great things in Thailand, and we hope and pray that this training they received will be a great blessing to the pastors and their churches.
We would also like to be a blessing to you and to your churches. If you would like to offer this training in your church, you can read all about it at . There are also options to take the training online – or the full 2-day training at our US office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – .
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