Canada Post has resumed mailing services but there is a considerable backlog of mail in the system. Canada Post is not guaranteeing delivery of mail in any specific time frame for the rest of December and January. We wanted to remind you that if you mail a donation...
News & Events
Storytellers Abroad – Join Us
Applications are Open! Connect Your Passion with Purpose: Learn how your creativity and expertise can impact missions, bridging the gap between storytelling and God's heart for the world. Train with the Best: Work alongside...
The 2023-2024 New Missionary Class
Meet the newest ABWE missionaries committing to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Great Things He Hath Done: 2023 ABWE Canada Annual Report
Many of us know the rich, old hymn “To God Be the Glory” by heart—“To God be the glory, Great things he hath done, So loved he the world that he gave us his Son . . .” and on it goes. In Christ, we have all we need. Yet the astonishing thing Scripture tells us is...
Legacies of Faithfulness: Jim and Jan Ruff
From the beginning of their missionary career, Jim and Jan Ruff committed to following the Lord’s leading. Over the last 49 years, they have faithfully followed that sovereign guidance through each stage of a surprising journey. Starting as ABWE...
The 2022-2023 New Missionary Class
As the resurrected Jesus gathered his disciples one last time before ascending to heaven, he charged them with spreading the news of his glorious plan for salvation throughout the earth. The small band of apostles was to multiply into a world-wide congregation of...
How Beautiful Are the Feet: A New Ministry Joins ABWE
“It’s too late. I already did it. What am I going to do now?” Regret washed over Catalina’s mind. She had seen her baby boy. But he was already gone. Her abortion, at that time illegal in Chile, was not what she had expected. No smiling wait staff,...
Urgent Prayer Appeal for Israel
The situation in the Middle East is escalating, and our brothers and sisters in Christ are caught in the midst of the Israel-Hamas conflict. Today, please join us in fervent prayer, lifting up specific requests from labourers in the area. Prayer Points God’s Guidance...
Unreached People Groups Are the Next Frontier for Global Missions
From the beginning, ABWE’s missionaries have been bringing the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth, in obedience to Jesus’ command: “Go and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19 Our vision is to fulfill the Great Commission by multiplying leaders,...
Essentials for a TRULY Evangelistic Church
Both words, evangelical and evangelistic, are rooted in the Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (euangelion), which means “good news” or “gospel.” Perhaps this is a bit simplistic, but it is essentially correct: An evangelical church is a church...